San Francisco Chronicle, Do you have an irresistible desire to bust out the finest cooking oil on the planet as you’re hustling junkies at your local pool hall? Do you have wet dreams at night thinking about downing a bottle of the good stuff after pocketing the winning ball at the World Championships of Pool? Yet despite these stirrings and urges, do you stop short of being who you truly are out of shame for what family and friends might think? If so, we’re here to tell you to stop hiding your skeletons in the closet and to come join the Wesson Pool Gang! The WPG (Wesson Pool Gang) have banded together to create a safe environment to enjoy the creamy, golden flavor of Wesson while getting your pool on. Drizzle a little Wesson on your nachos while watching your opponent clank another easy shot. Or lube up your stick and balls with some Wesson corn oil. We got your back, and we even have a Groupon that can get you free table time, along with a bottle of your favorite extra virgin Wesson oil. FREE MEMBERSHIP WILL BE GIVEN TO ALL MEMBERS WHO BEAR A STRIKING RESEMBLANCE TO FLORENCE HENDERSON.